Frequently Asked Questions

What is 2020data, and what services do you offer?

2020data is a specialized service for Amazon Vendor Central sellers, providing data-driven solutions to optimize profits by identifying and addressing financial discrepancies. Our services encompass COOP Fees, Shortage claims, Chargebacks, Invoicing Errors, Pricing Errors, Freight & Damage Allowances, Package Prep Fees, Transportation & Receiving Issues, Vendor Central Financial Issues, Overages, AP Audit Claims, Price Claims, and Co-Op Discrepancies.

How does 2020data optimize my profits?

We utilize a three-step approach. Firstly, we conduct a thorough account analysis using advanced analytics and proprietary technology. Secondly, we identify the root causes of financial discrepancies. Finally, we devise and implement data-driven solutions to rectify the issues and try prevent their recurrence.

What areas do 2020data services cover, and how are these handled?

Our services cover a wide range of areas. For instance, we scrutinize COOP Fees and Package Prep Fees to ensure you're not overpaying, examine invoicing and pricing details to correct any errors, analyze sales and inventory data to address shortages, and dispute unwarranted chargebacks. We also delve into Freight & Damage Allowances, Transportation & Receiving Issues, and Vendor Central Financial Issues to rectify any discrepancies

How does 2020data help with shortage claims, chargebacks and AP audit claims?

We handle shortage claims, chargebacks, and AP audit claims by deeply analyzing your account data, identifying the root causes of these issues, and implementing effective solutions to rectify them.

How does 2020data deal with chargebacks?

We have processes in place to handle chargebacks, identifying the root cause, disputing them as necessary, and implementing measures to prevent further occurrences.

What are Co-Op discrepancies and how does 2020data help in resolving them?

Co-Op discrepancies involve issues in the promotional fees. We meticulously analyze your account for these discrepancies and take necessary actions to rectify them.

Can 2020data assist me with transportation and receiving issues?

We meticulously analyze your shipping and receiving data, identify any issues, and resolve them to ensure smooth operation.

How does 2020data optimize my profits?

We utilize a three-step approach. Firstly, we conduct a thorough account analysis using advanced analytics and proprietary technology. Secondly, we identify the root causes of financial discrepancies. Finally, we devise and implement data-driven solutions to rectify the issues and prevent their recurrence.

What differentiates 2020data from other financial services for Amazon sellers?

We stand out from other financial services due to our comprehensive and proactive approach. We don't merely dispute individual discrepancies but identify their root causes for a more effective resolution. We use advanced analytics and proprietary technology for a meticulous account analysis.

How does 2020data identify the root cause of financial discrepancies in my account?

We identify the root causes of financial discrepancies by deeply analyzing your Amazon data, looking for patterns and trends that indicate issues. This allows us to target the core problems instead of only resolving surface-level discrepancies.

What does an account audit from 2020data involve?

An account audit involves a detailed examination of your account and sales data to detect financial discrepancies. We analyze patterns and trends that may hint at issues and then address these proactively.

What do you mean by "Data-Driven Solutions"? How does 2020data use my data?

Our data-driven solutions refer to our approach where we use insights derived from your account history to guide our strategies and actions. This ensures accuracy and precision in resolving financial discrepancies.

Can you explain how proactive issue resolution works at 2020data?

Our proactive issue resolution focuses on addressing the root causes of financial issues rather than just resolving individual discrepancies. By doing so, we can prevent the same issues from recurring, enhancing your overall financial performance.

What kind of reporting can I expect from 2020data? Will I be kept informed of all the actions you take?

At 2020data, we provide detailed reports that account for our findings, the progress made, and actions taken to resolve your financial discrepancies. This ensures you are fully informed and involved in the process.

What is 2020data's fee structure?

At 2020data, we charge 30% of the monies recovered to your account. There are no upfront charges or monthly commitments. Our fees are solely based on the successful recovery of funds to your account. This means we only get paid when you see tangible results from our services.

Are there any other fees or anything else I need to know about 2020data's pricing?

No, there are no hidden fees. The only fee is our 30% success-based fee. Additionally, we do not require you to commit to any specific timeframe. If you ever decide to discontinue our service, you can simply let us know. We will only bill you for the work we have already done up to that point. Our approach is straightforward and designed to cater to your needs and convenience.

How can I start working with 2020data for my Amazon Vendor Central account's financial optimization?

You can initiate the process of working with 2020data by reaching out to us through our website or the contact details provided there. We're ready and committed to assisting you with your Amazon Vendor Central account's financial optimization. Once contacted, we'll guide you through the subsequent process to ensure a smooth and efficient start to our collaboration.